What is Flip The Script Friday?

Flip The Script Friday is an event that takes place on a fortnightly basis where we invite organisations/adults onto our website/social media to answer the questions that young people have for them.

Why is it a thing?

This is an opportunity for young people’s voices to be heard and to have their questions answered. But equally, it’s a chance to destigmatize the discussion of mental health, highlight the great work that organisations are doing and to make reaching out for support from them less intimidating.

This week…

We collaborated with, Cost of the School Day Project. Our plans were to work with the whole school community to discuss financial barriers to participating in classroom activities (for example, sports kits, equipment to complete homework), and discuss the impact that living in a low income household has, particularly in relation to bullying, stigma, and mental health issues. Since the schools are under so much pressure lately, I’m attempting to speak to as many children and young people as possible in an informal manner, so attempting to reach out to local organisations who already have those contacts.

Meet the Employees

Kath and Rhian – School Practitioner for the Cost of the School Day Project. We talk to children about the Cost of the School Day and how that has an effect on children because of the funding. At the moment, we are networking because of Covid-19 and this opportunity was great as it gives young people a chance to be involved that suits them.

Q&A Time

We had so many questions sent in by young people to our Instagram @platfform4yp and here are some of the highlights!

What do you think of flip the script?

Rhian: I think it’s a great way to empower young people to think about what matters to them and it reminds us oldies  (talking for myself, not Kath) of what’s important to young people and why we should take notice and listen.

Kath: I love the concept and agree that it’s a great way of breaking down barriers between young people and organisations. I hope it will go a long way to help young people feel like they can talk to us about their experiences, and understand that we’re here to help!

What does Cost of the School day mean?

We want to work with everyone in the school community; pupils, parents, school staff, visitors, to work out what costs families face going to school, for example, school uniform, afterschool clubs, equipment. We work together to help the school to develop an action plan on how they can reduce costs, and support them to try new ideas.

Is this project across Wales?

We do a lot of work across Wales, for example, promoting free school meals entitlements, assessing pupil access to digital equipment, and training staff members, but myself and Rhian work directly in schools in Neath Port Talbot and Rhondda Cynon Taf.

How and why did you become a school practitioner for the Child Poverty Action Group?

Kath: I saw the job advertised when I was on maternity leave after having my two children; I was unsure what I was going to do when my maternity leave ended, as I was working on a short term project so couldn’t go back to my old job. This will probably sound a bit cheesy but it was like CPAG had written my dream job; it was the perfect mix of all the jobs I’d had in the past and I knew I had to apply for it. I am a huge advocate for children’s rights and I really want our project to put children and young people at the heart of everything we do.

Rhian: I got sent the job description by a very good friend who knew all the things I love about a job and she thought I’d like it. I knew immediately that I wanted to go for it. I love that the job involves talking directly to children and young people as you always learn so much by listening to their viewpoints.

What do I need to do to one day get a similar job to you?

Be passionate about your subject. Attend training if you can, there are lots of free courses delivered by your local council for voluntary services. It may be hard at the moment, but offer to volunteer to get experience in the work environment; I volunteered at my local youth club and a primary school to get my initial experience. Follow and engage with charitable organisations on Twitter. But I think the main thing is to be determined and committed.

Were there any misconceptions that you had before you started working as a school practitioner but now have changed the longer you work for the Child Poverty Action Group?

Rhian: I’ve only been in the role for a couple of weeks but in that time, I’ve seen already how important it is to put the experience of children and young people at the heart of our work and let that be the guide for the direction of the project.

Kath: I didn’t have any misconceptions as such, but I didn’t realise how much of the role would allow me to think on my feet and take the lead on some really interesting pieces of work.

Following on from that, are there any misconceptions about the work you do, that you would like to tell young people?

Kath: Firstly, I would really like people to understand that poverty can, and does, affect anyone, from any walk of life, regardless of your background. Secondly, I think a lot of my family think I get to sit down at home a lot and drink lots of tea (which is true), but the job is so varied, I meet new people every day from all walks of life, each with their own ideas and stories to tell.

What was your favourite subject in school and why?

Rhian: I loved English. I used to love escaping into a new world every time I picked up a book. It was always more interesting than the one I actually lived in!

Kathryn: Kathryn: I loved history. I wasn’t particularly good at it but had a great teacher who made our lessons really engaging and hands on. She seemed to understand my learning style, and I really enjoyed her lessons. In the summer, we’d have all our lessons on the grass outside, and every inch of her classroom was covered in graffiti from previous year groups with inspirational messages; I liked that every one of her lessons had some fun to it.

By the end of the flip the script, what is the most important thing that you want young people to take away from this experience?

Kath: That people working in organisations like ours really do care about your opinions and views. And that we are really nice people to talk to!

Rhian: That they have a voice. That they are listened to and valued by many organisations. That what they think and feel matters.

What change do you hope to see in the future from the work with the Cost of the School Day Project?

Rhian: That every pupil can go into their school and not feel left out of anything or made to feel different because they don’t have as much money as some of the other pupils might have.

Kathryn: I couldn’t put it better myself! I want every pupil to be able to take part in every element of their school life with their friends and peers.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and do the job you do?

Rhian: I love the variety involved and how busy it is. You can be talking to so many different people in a day. Enjoying the job makes getting out of bed in the morning more pleasant. But also I have to get up because I have two hungry boys and a hungry puppy to feed so essentially I have no choice but to get up and at ‘em!

Kathryn: I love how supportive my team are, I work with some incredible colleagues from all across the UK, and I think working with like-minded people who share your passion and your drive to remove child poverty really helps to motivate me to get up and make a change. Like Rhian, I also have two small children who like to wake up at 6 so some days, I have no choice!

What is one piece of advice that you were given that you will never forget?

Kathryn: It’s not necessarily advice, but as I get older, I live my life to song lyrics from one of my favourite songs; “I’m a new day rising”. For me, it means every day brings a new opportunity; a new day to learn, a new day to heal, a new day to enjoy. It helps me to really focus on the future and looking ahead at life, instead of looking back and dwelling on the ‘should haves’, and ‘could haves’.

Rhian: My best friend – a very wise lady – always says to me ‘Don’t be afraid of change, it’s always bringing something positive with it’. This really helps when I get scared of going out of my comfort zone. I always have her voice in my head telling me that nerves are a good thing, it means I’m excited about something, that I care, but that I shouldn’t let them hold me back.

What advice would you give to young people about lockdown and their future?

Rhian: To concentrate on the here and now – things they can control in their day to day. Focus on positives like the music or films they love, friends they can chat to, things they are allowed to do they enjoy. That the future is something none of us can know or control and it’s more useful and productive to focus on today.

Kathryn: To talk about your experiences to people you trust. This is the first time young people have had to respond to a global pandemic, and you’ve all had to adapt to something so new, so quickly, without knowing what is ahead of you. As a collective group, you are the most inspirational generation this world has seen with all the upheaval that has been placed on you at such a fundamental stage in your lives. You are incredible.

Do you enjoy the work you do?

Kathryn: Absolutely. I enjoy meeting lots of different people and the variety that the job offers; no two days are the same.

Rhian: So far I love it.

What do you do to relax after a hard day of work?

Rhian: I walk the dog, cook (I love cooking), dance to music while I’m cooking! I watch films, read books and run.

Kathryn: Working from home, my laptop is always there, so I have to be really strict to not check my emails when I’m not working! I really enjoy baking cakes, and I’ve slowly encouraged my daughter to help me (although as a two year old, her decorating skills aren’t quite up to my standards!). When I have an evening to myself, I like to completely switch off, no TV, no phone, and draw or do something creative.

What do you do in your free time?

I like to get creative, I love to illustrate and have just started to learn a bit of photography during lockdown.

What is your favourite genre of music?

Rhian: I’d love to give a cool answer. The honest truth is that I like so many genres of music and that it totally depends on the mood I’m in – do I want to dance to it, sing to it, run to it, be moved by it, feel nostalgic or relaxed? 

Kathryn: I’d say I’m eclectic but alternative; I listen to a lot of early 90’s grunge; Hole, Soundgarden, Nirvana. I absolutely love Future Islands, which is so much more upbeat (and well worth a watch to see the lead singers dancing skills!). I was raised on Queen, Bob Marley and David Bowie, so they are constant reminders that I actually had quite cool parents!

How do you look after your own mental health/well-being?

Rhian: I try and take time out to do something a bit like meditation. Often this is when I’m walking the dog or if I’m up early I’ll sit and just take some quiet time to focus on my breathing. I run a lot for the same reason – you can’t think of anything when you’re so out of breath! I also try and eat a healthy diet and talk to my friends and family a lot!

Kathryn: I think Lockdown has definitely taught me to slow down every now and then, and really take time out for you. No matter how busy your life is, you should always fit in time to prioritise your own mental health. For me, that’s spending time having fun with my children, taking time out for myself to do something creative, or having a good chat with a friend. 

Are there any changes you would make to the current support systems in place for mental health?

Kath: Yes. Without getting political, I would like everyone working in jobs with decision-making powers (local government, chief executives etc), to spend a week working on the front-line with the people currently receiving support to see for themselves the problems that exist. I think there are too many gaps in funding, waiting lists are too long, the system isn’t designed to be person-centred, and a lot of mental health support is tick-box activities without thinking of the impact on the individual. 

Rhian: Yes, many. I’d make sure it was well funded and fit for purpose. In my previous job I worked in a health setting and many referrals were for mental health. The thing that upset me most was how many people fell through the support gaps and how long the waiting lists were for people who really needed support.

What other support systems would you want to see in the future with mental health and well-being?

Rhian: I’d like to see statutory (funded public services) and third sector (charity) services work together more closely so that there was less duplication and more partnership work and to make sure fewer people fall through the gaps.

Kathryn: It’s not a support system change, but I’d like to remove the stigma of talking about your mental health; it affects everyone in society but we are still quite guarded about talking about it.

If you weren’t working as a school practitioner, what would you be?

Kathryn: My long term goal is to be an Educational Psychologist, but life keeps getting in the way! Maybe when I retire

Rhian: Probably working in a different third sector organisation supporting people in some way. In another life, I think I would have enjoyed being a travel writer!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Kathryn: I had a bit of a tough time in my twenties, and my counsellor once told me ‘the longest relationship you will ever have is with yourself’. Put yourself first. Obviously be mindful of the feelings of those around you, but you are leading your own life. If you feel unhappy about something, change it. If you’re not ready to change it, make a plan to help you move towards change. 

Rhian: Don’t doubt yourself so much and live your life the way you want to live it, not to please other people.

What goals would you want to achieve with your job?

Rhian: I would like to be able to build up great relationships with schools and support them with the Cost of the School Day project so that it becomes a really positive focus for all their future planning. I’d also like to push myself out of my comfort zone and learn new things and develop skills I already have.

Kathryn: End child poverty in Wales. It may be a bold statement, but I have at least 30 years before I’m at retirement age…

Do you find it hard to separate from your professional job and private life?

Kathryn: I used to, but I really value spending time with my family and friends, especially now I have my children.

Rhian: No. I have a very busy home life with young children who want me back after the working day has finished!

What advice would you give to a young person who knows that a peer is having trouble financially?

Rhian: To put yourself in their shoes – think about what they must be experiencing, feeling and trying to be sensitive to what they are going through. Maybe recommend that they talk to a teacher they like about their difficulties as there may be support for them that they don’t know about.

Kathryn: Reach out to them if you feel comfortable too. There is lots of support available to them, and a teacher or community worker would be able to point them in the right direction

How would you change the views of people who think that young people are too young to have mental health issues?

Kathryn: I am really hopeful that some positives to come out of the pandemic will be for people to have a better understanding of mental health, and demonstrate greater empathy and kindness to each other. Mental health affects absolutely everyone and doesn’t discriminate. Young people experience so many challenges day in, day out, that 

Rhian: I would ask them if they think that young people have feelings and emotions – and if they accept this as a truth then how is it not possible that these feelings and emotions could be negative, difficult and complex? There is so much evidence now to show how supporting young people with their mental health and wellbeing really helps them meet the challenges of a time in their lives that is full of change and development. And when not supported in the right way with mental health challenges this can have a lasting effect on whether or not children and young people develop into resilient adults with effective and meaningful coping strategies.

That's a wrap! Thank you so much to Chris and South Wales Police for taking the time to do this Q&A and for supporting Platfform4YP!

Want to get involved with Cost of the School Day! Go to their website at https://cpag.org.uk/cost-of-the-school-day! 

Missed out on asking a question this time? No Worries! Keep an eye on our Instagram @platfform4ypfor the next Flip The Script! Want to ask a specific individual/organisation questions? DM us and we will make it happen! Until next time!