What is Flip The Script Friday?

Flip The Script Friday is a weekly event where we invite organisations/adults onto our website/social media to answer the questions that young people have for them.

Why is it a thing?

This is an opportunity for young people’s voices to be heard and to have their questions answered. But equally, it’s a chance to destigmatise the discussion of mental health, highlight the great work that organisations are doing and to make reaching out for support from them less intimidating.

This week…

We collaborated with Tanya, a counscellor at Breathe in Roath in Cardiff. They, like us, are part of Platfform, a mental health charity in Wales. Breathe offer counselling to individuals, couples, families and young people. Tanya is here to answer all of your questions!

Who’s Tanya?

“Hi, I’m Tanya and I am a counsellor. I work in a person-centered way, which means that what we talk about is led by the client. I am very passionate about counselling, because I’ve seen the difference it can make to people’s lives. I strongly believe that asking for help shows great courage and strength and I feel privileged to hear my client’s stories and be part of their path to change.”

Q&A Time!

We had so many questions sent in by young people to our Instagram @platfform4yp and here are some of the highlights!

Q: What do you think of the idea Flip the script?

I think it’s a fantastic concept. I process stuff better when I have the chance to say it out loud and bounce ideas and feelings off someone else. To me, anything that makes us all talk to each other and learn from one another is surely helpful. I am excited to have this opportunity to learn more about your world.

Q: What made you want to become a counsellor?

When I was younger and found myself struggling, I was fortunate enough to have counselling. It really helped me, and as I love hearing people’s stories, I felt that I wanted to see if it was for me or not. I enrolled on a 10 week course called “An introduction to counselling” and I haven’t looked back since. I feel really fortunate to have found my dream profession.

Q: What kind of counseling do you offer?

At Breathe we have lots of different counsellors. Personally I offer humanistic-existential therapy. This means that you are in the driving seat. You choose what we talk about and the pace we go at. It also means that we explore your world as it is for you. We could look at such things as your relationships, your values and your beliefs as well as talking through specific events.

Q: What do you think needs to change for people to receive better mental health support?

I feel that the fact that we are all individuals is often ignored by the mental health medical profession. Something I really like is the idea of “dropping the disorder”. I think that labelling people is rarely helpful. I also feel inspired the way young people are driving stigmas away by being brave and opening up about their struggles. The louder we are, the bigger the chances of being heard.

Q: What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and do the job you do?

I think it’s probably the fact that I feel that I make a difference. Some clients have spent the week since their last session thinking and processing, and they need somewhere to share all the emotions that this has brought forth. Another thing that motivates me, is all that I learn from my clients. We all have stuff to offer each other, no matter where we are in our lives.

Q: What is one piece of advice you were given that you will never forget?

A friend of mine told me a few years ago: “stop saying sorry”. This was really good advice, as it made me reflect on my self-worth. I have since realised that so many of us are unhappy with ourselves. After a lot of journaling and exploration with my own counsellor, I started liking myself more and stopped saying sorry for who I am.

Q: What was your favourite subject at school? Why?

I am Danish, so English is not my first language. But it quickly became my favourite one. Before English lessons started in school when I was 10, my favourite subject was Danish. I have always loved reading and writing. But as I got older, English lessons took over. It’s such an expressive language with many different ways of saying the same thing.

Q: What do you think is one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to counsellors?

There are so many! But one that springs to mind, and that I often see, is that counsellors can “fix” clients. That if you come to counselling and tell your story, you will automatically feel better. In reality, counselling is hard work. We are on the journey together, but ultimately, the client has to “do the work”. It takes courage and strength to look at ourselves truly and honestly.

Q: How do you look after yourself and your mental health/wellbeing when working?

There are quite a few things which I find helpful. I have a clinical supervisor who can give me advice and who I can speak to about anything which might be going on for me in sessions with clients. Also, when I have been to work, I have a cut off point on the drive home, (a roundabout halfway home) which is when I stop thinking about work and start thinking about home.

Q: How do you look after yourself and your mental health/wellbeing when at home?

I make sure that I eat well, sleep enough and I love going to the beach. The water de-stresses me. I also find it really important to be present in what I am doing. Whether that is being with my family, walking the dogs or gardening.

Q: What is one thing you would tell your younger self now?

Things change, we change. What feels really hard right now, will not always feel like that. You will find your people, your tribe. You are good enough!!!

Q: Is being a counsellor a hard job to do?

Physically it is not hard, but it can be difficult mentally. Self care is really important. Counsellors who work a lot with clients who have experienced trauma are particularly at risk of burn out. I think that what is important is to check in with yourself on a regular basis. And practice what you preach. If you are struggling – reach out! Don’t suffer in silence.

Q: What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is grey. I also really love dark blue and teal. I gravitate towards muted and calm colours. Maybe it is because I am Danish. :0)

Q: Do you believe in astrology?

This question made me think about Existential thinking. I believe that we all have the freedom of choice, or at least choices about how we deal with what happens to us throughout life. I believe that we all create our own destiny and responsibility of how we live our lives, lie with ourselves. So, no, I don’t believe that our fates are mapped out from the start.

Q: What is your spirit animal?

I really want to say a brave lioness or a wise owl. But in reality I’m a monkey/ape of some sort. I’m loud, sociable, sometimes silly, but also capable of great love and empathy.

Q: If you turned into a tree, what type of tree would you be?

I would be a Nordic spruce. A hardy tree which is evergreen and loves Christmas.

Q: If you had the opportunity to send a message to all other counsellors what would it be?

Well done!!! You all do an amazing job. And when it gets hard, reach out. We are not super people, just people.

Q: If you had the opportunity to send a message to young people what would it be?

You guys are fantastic. You are so clued in, open, honest and ready to fight to right the wrongs of previous generations. You are the future, and I see so much potential in your generation. Not just people like Greta Thunberg speaking up for the climate and mental health- but all of you who dare to speak up and demand answers as to why the world is as it is.

Q: Any advice for Young People in lockdown?

It’s hard. When you’re young, feelings are so much bigger than when you get older. I get that you need to see your friends, and I feel for those of you who are school leavers, and who are missing out on proms and proper goodbyes. And make sure you stay in touch with your friends. As always, talking is key. Thank you for staying home. You are making a difference.

Q: Do you think of the people you support once you leave work?

Yes, absolutely. Although this is a job, it’s also a way of life. I have strong boundaries, which help with a work/life balance. But each week I set time aside to think about my clients and to research and read anything which may be helpful to their particular issue.

Q: What is the first thing you will do when lockdown is completely over?

I want to throw a huge party. I am l fortunate enough to have a paddock near my house, so I want to light up the BBQ and invite everyone I know with their husbands, wives and kids. And then dance and be merry until the sun comes up. One of my biggest lockdown hardships has been not being able to see friends and family.

Q: Does co-production play a role in your work?

Absolutely. The relationship between the counsellor and the client is one of the most important factors in counselling. Without mutual respect and trust, counselling is in best case worthless and in the worst case, harmful. Sitting in front of a person who you do not know and telling them your innermost feelings takes a lot of trust and is not easy. But we are on a journey together and I go where my client goes.

Q: You said you’re ‘person centered’ what does that mean?

There are many different schools of counselling. One is Humanistic (also called person-centred). My qualification is as a Humanistic Existential Counsellor. In sessions this mean that I do not give advice, but instead we explore such things as your world, relationships and values. You decide what we talk about and we explore at your pace. I give you a safe space and support you whilst you come to your own conclusions.

Q: What do you think is the best way to start implementing more LGBT+ education into schools?

I think it’s important to make it part of life for kids from very early on. To normalise LGBT+ Young children are not born prejudiced. Hate is taught. So let’s talk! The less mysterious something is, the less people fear it.

Q: How important do you think it is for young people to learn about different diverse cultures?

I feel very strongly that the more we embrace diversity, the happier we are. We can learn so much from each other. And the more different we are, the bigger is the chance for us all to grow. And we may learn, in the process, to love and respect each other. Which would make for an amazing world to live in.

Q: How has your counseling changed as a result of COVID-19?

It’s changed drastically. We have moved all counselling to telephone or video calls. Which means that we are dependent on internet and phone reception. But I’ve definitely found that it’s just as helpful to clients as counselling face to face.

Q: I find the idea of counseling really intimidating, having to talk to someone about my feelings, what advice could you give me?

I get that. Sitting with a stranger in a room telling them your innermost feelings, does not come natural to anyone. My advice would be to tell your counsellor that you feel nervous. Own it and together you can find a way forward. There is no right or wrong way to have counselling. You don’t have to do, it’s enough just to be. And don’t forget, counsellors are only people. No better or worse than you.

That's a wrap! Thank you so much Breathe and Tanya for taking the time to do this Q&A and for supporting Platfform4YP. Here is some information on how to get in contact/receive support from Breathe:

At Breathe we offer counselling to individuals, couples, families and young people. You can find out much more about us on our website: breathe-uk.com If you feel that counselling could be helpful for you, you can get in touch on email at: hello@breathe-uk.com, on the phone on 02920 440 191 or send us a text on 07788 314 975.

Want more content from Breathe?

Follow them on Twitter at: @BreatheUK_ttww

and on Instagram at: @breathuk_

Go show them some love too!

Missed out on asking a question this time? No Worries! Keep an eye on our Instagram @platfform4yp for the next Flip The Script! What to ask a specific individual/organisation questions? DM and we will make it happen! Until next time! :D