What is Flip The Script Friday?

Flip The Script Friday is an event that takes place on a fortnightly basis where we invite organisations/adults onto our website/social media to answer the questions that young people have for them.

Why is it a thing?

This is an opportunity for young people’s voices to be heard and to have their questions answered. But equally, it’s a chance to destigmatize the discussion of mental health, highlight the great work that organisations are doing and to make reaching out for support from them less intimidating.

This week…

We collaborated with  Rhiannon from Prince’s Trust. The Prince’s Trust is a national youth charity, supporting 11-30s across the UK, inspiring young people to build their confidence and to support them to achieve their full potential. 

Q&A Time

We had so many questions sent in by young people to our Instagram @platfform4yp and here are some of the highlights!

Where does the Prince’s Trust idea come from?

It all began in 1976, when HRH The Prince of Wales had a bold idea. Having completed his duty in the Royal Navy, His Royal Highness became dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged young people in the UK. He founded His Trust to deliver on that commitment.

How does Prince’s Trust affect young people? 

Our plan is to help one million more young people to transform their lives over the next 10 years. We will help them develop the confidence and skills to live, to learn and to earn, giving them an increasing stake in our economy and society. We work with delivery partners across the UK to offer hundreds of free courses, grants and mentoring opportunities to help young people progress on to their next steps.

Why did you decide you wanted to become part of the Prince’s Trust team?

From a young age, I’ve always wanted to work with and help people. I’ve had the privilege of working with so many different individuals in various roles within the charity sector, however I knew my destined career was supporting young people. Being young(ish), I wanted to use my life experiences, paired with my professional expertise, to relate to and support young individuals to grow into the person they truly want to be. I feel so blessed to have been offered the opportunity to join The Prince’s Trust engagement team. I knew no 2 days would be the same and there would be occasions where I would be pushed out of my comfort zone. This is a challenge which I strive to tackle, to enable me grow both personally and professionally!

What is it like working for Prince’s Trust?

There is nothing more fulfilling than waking up to a job that excites you, that pushes you to be the best you can be and that offers an inclusive environment for you to be creative and spontaneous as well as making you feel part of one big family. That is what it’s like working for The Prince’s Trust.

What do you offer for young people?

The programmes offered by The Prince’s Trust give vulnerable young people the practical and financial support needed to stabilise their lives, helping develop self-esteem and skills for work. These courses fall under three streams: 

Engagement: Courses designed to help young people try something new and boost their confidence and teamwork skills. 

Employability: Courses designed to give young people sector-specific skills to secure a job. 

Enterprise: Courses designed to give young people the chance to turn their business idea into a reality.

How can young people get involved?

Young people can get involved in any of our programmes by contacting our Customer Service Team on 0800 842842 or through our live chat service on our website: www.princes-trust.org.uk between Monday-Friday, 9am – 6pm.  

Details of upcoming courses in Wales can be found by searching “Prince’s Trust Cymru” on social media.

If there is one thing that you would want young people to take away from this experience, what would it be?

Make the most of your Prince’s Trust experience. You never know what doors it could open for you!

What is your favourite way to spend a day off?

My days off are usually centred around some sort of food-based plans. Whether that be checking out a new restaurant with some friends or spending some time baking in my kitchen, I am a HUGE foodie. I also love spending my time outdoors. Whether I’m up a mountain or on a beach, nature truly works wonders for the soul.

If you could visit one place, where would you go and why?

I would love to go to Australia! 18 months is a long time of not being able to hug your younger sister. I’d love to hire a campervan and explore the entire country with her, soak up some rays, experience different places and learn how to surf!

Where do you want to see Prince’s Trust in the future?

I feel we are already working towards our future by having gone virtual in the last year! In response to the pandemic, we have adopted a blended delivery style, working with young people online as well as face to face (in line with government guidance). This approach has enabled us to engage with young people we may not have necessarily worked with before, as well as allowed us to collaborate with various delivery partners across the UK to create new and exciting opportunities for young people.

If you could send the public a message about the misconceptions that exist in the work you do, what would it be?

Reaching out for support isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a positive step on your personal growth journey. Sometimes, that support may not always be the most suitable for you. It’s important to be honest with yourself and the organisation and ask for some guidance towards other support options.

What is your favourite music, film and book genre?

Music – honestly anything. I can be listening to some jazzy acoustic tunes one evening and dancing around to Taylor Swift in the kitchen the next. Very dependent on my mood.  
Film – Disney films are always a winner. Any film with Kevin Hart in too as the guy always has me in stitches.  
Book – I enjoy reading self-growth books and ‘female empowerment’ books. One book which I refer to now and again is the ‘Inner Goddess Revolution’ by Lyn Therman. It has helped me put various things into perspective and discover things about myself which have helped me take certain paths in life.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

Breakfast! (I told you I’m a massive foodie). All jokes aside, I feel blessed to wake up to a new day each day. It irritates me if I’ve done nothing/got nothing to do, so I always set out to achieve something, no matter how small!

What is one piece of advice that you were given that you’ll never forget?

Treat yourself like you would treat someone you love. Kinder self-talk is so important for personal growth.  

What kind of training do you receive or would like to receive in regard to dealing with young people in mental health related crises? 

One of the first courses I completed whilst working at The Prince’s Trust was Mental Health First Aid which was really insightful. We engaged in different well-being activities which we could do with young people and learnt practical elements such as first aid for someone who may be having a panic attack and how to approach a young person who has disclosed suicidal thoughts. I think it’s something that needs to be delivered each year as a refresher for anyone working in a support-based role. 

How do you look after your own mental health and wellbeing whilst working?

Before my working day, I try and get into a routine of doing a 10 minute yoga practice which helps my body wake up and relax my mind, ready to take on whatever the day brings. During my working day, I listen to a chilled music playlist as that helps keep me focused. I always make time to venture out into the fresh air (rain or shine) as it’s super important to have a break away from the same 4 walls, as well as to get the body moving after sitting down for long periods of time. Reaching out to my manager/colleagues on a regular basis is something I do a lot of too – some aspects of my work can prove to be quite challenging so talking to others can help relieve some of that stress; a problem shared is a problem halved! Towards the end of my working day, I reflect on what I’ve achieved (rather than what I haven’t done) which positively impacts my wellbeing and enables me to feel fulfilled with my working day.

How has working in lockdown affected the Prince’s Trust organization as a whole?

Lockdown has massively impacted the Prince’s Trust. While there have been many obstacles we’ve overcome, the lockdowns have positively transformed the way we deliver and support young people. By working online as well as face to face, we have connected with more young people than ever before as well as created and rolled out completely new programmes which have proven to be a huge success, including Get Started courses, employability programmes and online events.

Do you find it hard to separate your personal life with work life?

Not really. I’ve managed to find a healthy balance between my personal life and work life, although I will offload to certain people about my working day if it’s been tough rather than bottle it up.

If you could change one thing within the work you do, what would it be and why?

This is a tough question. If there’s one thing I could physically change (if I had a magic wand!), it would be to open a number of accessible Prince’s Trust hubs across Wales for young people. Having a chilled practical space for people to drop into, whether that be to engage in confidence building activities or to socialise, would make a huge added difference to just running our online drop in ‘Mindset Matters’ sessions.  

That's a wrap! Thank you so much to Chris and South Wales Police for taking the time to do this Q&A and for supporting Platfform4YP!

Thank you to Rhiannon for taking part in the Flip the Script event!

Want to get involved with Prince’s Trust! Go to their website at https://www.princes-trust.org.uk

Missed out on asking a question this time? No Worries! Keep an eye on our Instagram @platfform4ypfor the next Flip The Script! Want to ask a specific individual/organisation questions? DM us and we will make it happen! Until next time!