
Meet Bex

I am a peer researcher for the new young people’s project called Power Up. I will be collecting research on young people’s opinions and ideas about the current state of mental health support in Cardiff and the Vale and what sort of service we could co produce with young people in the future. I have my own struggles with my mental health, and I like that my job will lead to positive change in individuals’ lives and hopefully influence policy changes. I have lots of hobbies and interests but if I am not in work I am probably training for athletics. I am sprinter and I train 5 times a week and compete regularly. I also like to read, play video games, colour, watch TV and YouTube, listen to music, and eat food! “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” This reminds me to focus on the present and not look too far ahead about things especially if they haven’t even happened yet.

Platfform 4YP
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Written by Platfform4YP Team