
Games and exercises

A selection of games and exercises that are designed to keep your mind healthy.

Games and exercises

Being mindful without even realising!

The act of mindfulness a lot of the time can be rather intimidating and confusing, so here are a couple of simple activities that you can try to practice being mindful without even trying!

Becoming Creative for Pride Month

To celebrate Pride month some of our young people have creative some content surrounding gender and identity.

Half Term Activities

Half Term Fun - All activities are free. Come and join the team and other young people and have some fun with us.

Free Winter Activities for Young People

Do you want to join in our free winter activities for young people with Platfform? Get in contact with us to book a spot and get more info!

How starting a hobby can impact your wellbeing?

Do you like getting involved in creative arts? Or are you an energetic person who loves activities? Well finding hobbies can provide you with a purpose and something to do.

Caerphilly Youth Forum 2022 Calendar

Caerphilly Youth Forum produced Wellbeing Calendars designed by their project group last year that were distributed to all comprehensive school pupils. They received excellent feedback from these so they have produced an updated version for 2022

How to achieve your goals?

Earlier on this week, a young person talked about new year resolutions and how they relate to goals. Following on from this, another young person has talked about how to achieve those goals!

Get Involved in our Art Group!

Platfform have decided to start a new online art group which will be a causal social, for anyone receiving support in Platfform to join! In this group, it will cover the State of Mind topics loosely, but it is not a State of Mind group; the art we do will just be themed around the 10 programmes topics.

Do you need a gift idea for your family or friend?

Today (15th May) is International Day of Families. Here is an activity you can do for someone you know for their birthday, Christmas or any time of the year.

Getting Active with Dancing

This video is aimed at young children to get them active. Join in with and have some fun as well.

Simple Candle Meditation Technique

This is a simple meditation technique that you can do anywhere at any time if you need a break or just some time to relax.
Thanks Marc Ignacio for the image from Unsplash :)

The Big Garden Bird Watch

Want to do some bird watching? RSPC created this event in 1979 and since then thousands of people have taken part each year.

Recycled Crafts

Here are some arts and crafts you can do to in your free time that are also environmentally friendly.

Drawing Tutorials

Looking for something to do when you're bored, here are some free drawing tutorials for you to have a try!

Journaling – Top Tips and Tricks

The point of journaling is to reflect on your day. You can find silver linings on cloudy days, and appreciate the sun when it shines on you.

(Photo: Ava Sol on Unsplash)

Ways to stay active

The Jack Petchey Foundation have got some great ways to stay active, whether that's physically, or with hobbies and creative stuff. It's been put together to use during the coronavirus lockdown, but the ideas here are useful the rest of the time too.

(Photo: Henry Xu on Unsplash)


Here are some online puzzles for you to have a try! When you can't think of anything else to do, pick one of these puzzles and enjoy.


Want something to do to pass the time? Create your own flip book animation.

12 different art therapy activities to help reconnect with one’s self.

Art encourages the freedom of self-expression and helps one reconnect with themselves and the world around them. Art helps to heal one’s mental well-being by exploring different emotions and helping to tackle stress and anxiety. These activities will help you to realise that!

Healthy VS Unhealthy Habits Activity

This an activity made by State of Mind Peer Mentors that you can do simply to promote your healthy habits and tackle your unhealthy ones! Image by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Some games to help you relax

Like gaming? Here is a list of games from the BBC that will help keep you relaxed during the lockdown.
Thanks for the image Alexey Savchenko from Unsplash!

Positive Pebbles

This is a great mindfulness activity as well as a way to add colour and positivity to your community in these crazy times! All you need is a rock, paint and your imagination. [Thanks for the pic Dan Gold from Unsplash!]

Gratitude Jar

A Gratitude Jar is a space for you to write to your future self. You note down on a scrap of paper what it is that you are grateful for, or happy about.

(Photo: Milan Popovic on Unsplash)

Mindful Baking: Victoria Sponge Cake

Laura shows us how to make her tasty victoria sponge cake and talks about how great baking is for your mental health and wellbeing. Want to try her recipe? (I know I do!) Share your final result with us on Instagram @Platfform4yp. Happy baking!

Box breathing for calm and concentration

A simple but effective breathing technique to help stop a panic attack in its tracks. It’s also just generally useful for calm, or for increasing concentration. A great way to stop and re-centre.

(Photo: Fabian Moller on Unsplash)

Bored? Ten fun things you can do right now

Learn a language! Build a fort! Bake something! Here's The Mix with their top ten things to do. It was written during the coronavirus lockdown - but they're all fun whatever's going on.

(Photo: Filip Mishevski on Unsplash)

Emotional Freedom Technique

Sometimes known as ‘tapping’, research varies on exactly why this works for some people, but many have found it to be a useful way of relieving stress or tension. It’s been used to treat other mental health symptoms, too.

(Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash)